Thursday, July 29, 2010

Trey, Trey, Trey!

This photo shows him to be a cold piece of work! Nuff said.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

The Topless Bikini?

Yes! A bikini that is topless. Comes with a removable bandeau (side note, lol at those teenie weenie breasts). Tell me, where is this even allowed?

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Punk! (And I Don't Mean Emo)

Multiple kids with multiple women, cheater, and left his last wife for Another woman. I used to like Alicia Keys, but aiding in breaking up a home is not cool. She was pregnant and messing around with him before he was even divorced. Sad, and he is no better. Now-a-days you can catch him holding purses... Mr. Softee is in the building everyone. About to be a proud parent, again, with another woman, again. What a shame if he leaves Alicia the same way he left the others, and shame on you Alicia! I'm upset about this...carry on...

Saturday, July 17, 2010


...Is freakin' hot! I swear if i ever cut my hair i will put together a "Rihanna Hairstyle" Mag for my personal reference. Deciding to go from long hair to short hair was an A+ move...Love it!

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Victoria Secret Pink Dogs...I Love Em'!

Does anyone else love these pup's like i do? I collect them, and they are so adorable :~)

Stop Lying To Your Kids!

The easter bunny, santa, the tooth fairy and the boogey man are all FAKE . Don't use traditions or innocence as an excuse either. Many children are devastated at the age they realize parents/grandparents lied to them about pointless fictional characters over the years. Children have great imaginations, so lying to them is not required. My oldest son is almost 4, but he knows santa is fake. When he loses a tooth, he will get a suprise for it, but telling him the tooth fairy came into his room is not necessary. Stop lying to them. They are smart and will question why you lied in the first place. Every "holiday" has a wordly gimmick to confuse people of its true meaning. Don't fall into it with the guise of tradition. (Notice the pic above...the baby doesnt even want to be there with "santa". He's scared, but i guess it was very important for him to sit for the traditional "Santa's lap" pic...sadly smh)

WTH Troy?

...I'm just now being informed that Troy is enforcing new laws. They are kind of silly: No eating, texting, drinking or talking on the phone. I understand the need for people to be more careful behind the wheel, but i can't take a sip of my smoothie anymore? Darn! I guess i should just remove the cup holders from my vehicle because they are now pointless!

It Kills!

"It" is Procrastination.


...Is a choice.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Dont Sleep On A Real Housewife!

Even though i love this show (Desperate Housewives), being a Housewife is not always the glamorous lifestyle the character Gabby (Eva Longoria-Parker) may portray. That's just her life. It can be glamorous at times, but most of the time it's going to be hard work! In actuality, it is a mixture of all the wives on the show. Cooking, cleaning & taking care of the kids around the clock. It's one of the toughest jobs out there (I can't think of one that is more stressful, demanding, yet rewarding). No one said shopping is ruled out, but when your whole day consists of shopping, spa appt's, and other beauty appt's, you are leaving the real work to somebody else. Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner on a daily basis (yes weekends too. No days off!). Laundry per person, and when you have a family of 5 (like myself) the load is heavier. Nap time is crucial. It's my favorite time of the day. I get a little time for myself to relax, catch up on T.V. shows, or update my blog (smile). All in all, i love my job because i get to see my kids grow in a structured enviornment, and i don't have to worry about them catching the things kids often spread in daycares. The other scares that can happen are irrelevant as well. They eat healthy meals 3 times a day with snacks in between. They take naps with story time, free play, e.t.c.. One day they will get older, look back on life, and say thank you Ma. Thank you for putting your life on a short hold to dedicate 100% of your time into raising us with special love & care. Don't sleep on a real Housewife!

There Is Nothing I Love To See More Than...

...A mixed couple. Honestly bloggers, i feel happiness in my heart when i see this! It's so real, and i love it! The most beautiful people usually are directly from mixed families. It really hits a bad nerve when i hear people say that we should-or-are only supposed to date within our own race. Seriously, WTF? I usually don't use language like that, but i had to say it! That is in the top 5 most ignorant things to say. No one alive today is 100% one race. Race itself is a mixture. We all come from a variety of races, and cultures over these past centuries (since earth began). We can closely identify with certain groups, but thats only for us to feel sure about something. A sense of belonging, which is normal. However, looking down on people who date outside their "race" is not. Everyone alive today wouldn't exist if it wasn't for a little dibbling and dabbling here and there. Get it together people. Ignorance kills us! (that popular saying, "what you don't know can't hurt you" is a lie!) Where they hate on interracial couples at? Stop it!

Friday, July 9, 2010

Is Anybody Left...

...In your clique? Fellow Facebookers, im talking to you specifically seeing that this is where i witness, and share your sadness. When it comes to a certain type of people, in which i am not going to call out (because i'll leave that for you to discern), i notice a series of unfortunate events. Every other week the same few people put up a R.I.P. profile pic of a fallen friend/associate. I often see pictures where there is a group of people in a club from last month, then you look the next month to find out 3 of the people in the pic are no longer with us. Mostly young black men. What type of fast pace lifestyles are we making for ourselves? I feel for these lost ones. Simultaneously, i feel for the ones who are still living who continue to do the same things, hang in the same places, and surround themselves by the same negative people. Crime can take place anywhere in the world, but it's more likely to take place around certain people, in certain places or because of certain things. Lets change the amount of "Rest In Peace" profile pic's. Change must begin with yourself. Think about it. I just had to get that off my chest...

Sushi Lovers Unite!

I am fairly new to the sushi loving group, but boy is it good! I have only tried a few of the many varieties, but im getting up there. For those who are scared to try it, here's some advice. You don't have to start with a raw piece of fish (all sushi isn't raw fish). Usually people begin with the California Roll which mainly has avacado & crab meat. Don't get worried if you aren't feeling it on your first try. Like most things, it may take some getting used to. Maybe, maybe not. Your call, but i had to share this with you. There are people out there that don't like trying new things...where they do that at? lol

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Twilight: Ladies, Choose Your Man...

Jacob or Edward? Decisions, decisions! In my opinion, it's a obvious choice. He's Hot. He's a gentleman. He's sweet. He's there when you need him. He's Jacob! So tell me, where they choose Edward at? LoL

I Tawt I Saw A Copy Tatt!

It's clear to see that Chris Brown & Rihanna have much influence on many people, but where does it stop? I can't count how many people i run across that have copied the "Stars up the neck" Tatt which began with CB & Ri Ri. All things get old, and copying this trend is gone with the wind...Holla!

Marijuana Decor? Naked Man On Toilet? WTH...

Why would you let the person with the camera get away with this one? Now you made it to a Blog Site. If that was your dream then congratulations is in order. Carry on...

Stacks On Deck Huh?

I guess some people aren't used to having anything, therefore we may come across photo's like this one from time to time. People, it is not necessary to show off your goods in pictures like this. If you "the man" and you "got it like that", let your swagger speak for itself. Enough said.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Where Is The Respect??

Where do i begin?! 1.) 14yrs & under taking a picture bending over in the mirror in your bedroom of your parent or gaurdians house WITH white panties on...SMDH! 2.) Young Lady with a shirt that has profanity on it, the B-word at that! Who let you buy that shirt, and who let you wear it? Respecting Yourself 101: Do not call yourself the B-word! Parenting 101: Don't allow your daughter to wear this shirt! As far as the Panty girl, you are doing what most people call REACHING. Reaching out for attention in negative ways. Have more love for yourself lady. Please Tell me, Where they do that at?

Can Facebook Be Considered A Drug?

Many Facebook users understand my question all to well. Can Facebook be considered a new drug? Do you find yourself logging in more than 3 or 4 times a day? Have you ever logged out just to log in again thinking you missed something? Do you take pictures, not for memories as we did growing up, but with Facebook in mind? Do you update your status more than 3 times a day? Do you have more than 100 profile pictures? Do you get mad when you log in, and find less than 10 notifications? Do you and your friends use your own made-up languages/fonts? If you find yourself answering yes to some of these questions, Facebook just may be your new drug!

Twitter Over Capacity???

How can this be? This is 2010 and the internet rules everything. Facebook, Twitter & Skype (just a couple sites that i use the most) are "happening" right now! Everyone wants to be a part of this movement. Facebook has its errors every now and then, but Twitter is all the time! Every day this week, while trying to log into Twitter, i get the "over Capacity" message. Get it together Twitter, get it together!

Ladies, Please Stop Doing This Pose...

Who ever said that the "Back turned-Middle fingers up" pose was cute? This is not a good look for us. My opinion: Have a little more respect and choose a better pose! It's not F*uck the world anymore, Tupac had reasons for his anger, but YOU don't have to feel that way. As far as those who do it that are just copying off someone else...smh!